To the ends of the earth – Pub 2 Pub in a TVR

Car culture can be found in the most unlikely of places. Deep in the Ecuadorian jungle, for instance, where automotive adventurer Ben Coombs found himself gate-crashing a gathering of the local car club, dedicated to Nismo-inspired Datsun pickup trucks. Or another 3,000 miles further south in the Chilean capital of Santiago where he would end […]

TVR: The Return of The King

It was created in 1947 by a bloke called Trevor off the back of a Blackpool pram company. In the 1990’s it became Britain’s biggest sports car manufacturer. It was shut down in 2006 by a Russian millionaire. But put away your hankies and let the weeping cease for TVR will rise again like an […]

England’s Glory

Could our car industry be safe in the hands of petrol-headed lunatics? Ben Oliver reports