Porsche 959

If you’re one of the folk out there who believes that the Porsche Turbo wasn’t necessarily a full-blooded supercar, then the 959 pushed the form firmly into the superlative. But we reckon the 930 Turbo was the supercar. This was a hypercar. Inspired by Group B rally monsters from Audi, Lancia, Peugeot and Ford, this […]

Supercars, Super Humans

any supercar is only as good as the people who design, develop and manufacture them. Here are a fistful of supercar heroes…

Supercar: Evolution and Extinction

Supercars were once all about pure performance.

Gentleman racers of the 40s and 50s wanted the kinds of cars in which you could streak from Paris to the Amalfi coast overnight in an aether of oil fumes and Aqua Di Parma. Back in those halcyon days you never worried about terminal surveillance. It was all about terminal velocity. All that mattered was the roar of the engine and the patina of the hide. So when the commendatore released the 250 Gran Tourismo Omologato so it could be raced at Le Mans, he really started something.

250 GTO: daddy of the omologatos.

Ferrari 250 LM

the Le Mans winning little beauty from Ferrari that you will never own…