A Tale of Two Electricities

Remetzcar tesla

“I love the shape of a shooting brake.” Says Floris de Raadt, the proud owner of a bespoke green RemetzCar, as he winds the car through opulent streets of Kensington, where this car had been launched to a UK audience just moments earlier. “Ever since I saw a shooting brake conversion on an Aston Martin […]

QWest – the Tesla Estate

There’s a lot of pressure for a sequel to perform, yet comic book movie franchises seem keen to push their product out over and over again, weaving ever more tech and intricacy into their storylines. Often, after the building blocks of the first movie had been put into place and left you excited, thrilled and […]

2017 Highlights

2017 highlights

As 2017 comes to a close, we celebrate our most exciting, engaging and fun year to date. A year that saw incredible highs with a visit to the largest collection of MX-5s in the world, spending time with alt-fuel cars including the Toyota Mirai, a Porsche 911 converted to electricity and the world’s first Tesla […]

QWest – a new breed of coachbuilder for a new millennium

qwest feature

There’s something familiar about the roads leading to QWest’s HQ. Nestled in a part of Norfolk that is neither flat, city, nor Broadland, these are the roads upon which some incredible cars have been honed to perfection over the last century. And it’s along these winding rural slithers you find QWest, a company which has […]