Humanity – Influential People

Cars are all about people. It’s obvious really – but at times this simple truism can get lost. With the obsession
with speed, power, style and design – with the object itself, you can forget that there is nothing more human
than the machine.
And with the current strange situation the world is facing, the simple fact of the humanity of the heart of what
we do at Influx has been brought to the forefront.

How Does it Feel to Drive?

Queen B women on cars F80

Ferrari x Katarina Kyvalova, Queen B, Mouton and more –
It’s a rare break in the weather in East London in the middle of February. Becky Evans (aka Queen B) is taking me for a cruise around her adoptive manor in her new F80 BMW M3. “This is my ends, I love it here,”, she tells me as kids rocking hoodies do the double take as they cross the Bethnal Green Road, spying Becky, all butterfly lashes and raven locks, at the helm of her bright yellow beemer, that turbocharged six humming a bass note along the curb.

Adrian Flux Forever Cars

We’ve often thought about it – what would happen if you just never sold your car?   The answer is predictable of course; it would become part of your life, your identity. You. But could you really keep a ‘machine’ – a car or bike – forever? We know a lot of people who have […]

Charlie Martin – what’s next?

Charlie Martin LMP3

“It’s gone really really well. I’m really pleased with it.” That was the phrase that Charlie Martin used not once, but twice back when we caught up in mid-2018, as she exclaims her joy at the way she has adapted to her first season in the Ginetta GT5 Challenge, after a distinguished hill climbing career […]

2017 Highlights

2017 highlights

As 2017 comes to a close, we celebrate our most exciting, engaging and fun year to date. A year that saw incredible highs with a visit to the largest collection of MX-5s in the world, spending time with alt-fuel cars including the Toyota Mirai, a Porsche 911 converted to electricity and the world’s first Tesla […]

Remembering Bjorn Waldegaard

Waldegaard Ford

I can still remember it, pinned in HD to the noticeboard of my brain. It was an unseasonably hot and sunny day in the south west of Ireland, not far from the small village where I was born and raised (don’t worry — this doesn’t turn into a Hovis ad…). The sun was gently cooking […]

Racing Dynasty: The Andretti family

Andretti family

Motor-racing is more than just cars going around in circles, it is a community bound by the love of what it is partaking in. In this sense it is almost like a family. In light of this we thought we’d take a look at one of the most famous families in motorsport, the Andrettis. To […]

Fins, Firebirds and Ferraris – The life of Chuck Jordan

1989 Camaro Chuck Jordan

There are fewer men that have been Vice President of GM Design than have set foot on the moon; Charles M. “Chuck” Jordan was one of the lucky few. Before him the leaders of GM Design were Harley Earl, who was seminal in creating automotive styling of the “lower, longer, wider” type and Bill Mitchell, […]

Ada ‘Sayonara’

Ada Sayonara Pace

Ada Sayonara was one of the most talented drivers of the 1950s. With Maria Teresa De Filippis, she was one of the first women to impress in motor racing, often leaving men behind her. A plate with the message “Sayonara” was fixed on the rear of her cars, dedicated to male colleagues overtaken. She was […]

Enzo Ferrari – before the horse began prancing

Enzo dog

Enzo Anselmo Ferrari was one of the most enigmatic characters in the motoring world; he had an air of mystery, the unknown, a great genius challenged by sadness throughout his life. He found release through motorsport success and building some of the finest road cars in the world. Some of that mystery starts with Ferrari’s […]