Swind E Classic Mini

Swind E Classic Mini

There’s nothing wrong with the original Mini – let’s get that straight out there. It’s arguably the most iconic car in the world, and almost certainly the most loved. Adrian Flux ran a series of public quizzes a couple of years back to find out the car most people considered the one you must drive […]

Beautifully British: the Morris Minor turns 70

Morris Minor header

In the four-wheeled world, 2018 is a notable year for ‘people’s cars’, those machines which sparked an affordable revolution. The original Fiat ‘Nuova 500’ may have been six decades old last year, but remarkably, the Volkswagen Beetle celebrates its eightieth birthday in 2018, while the Citroën 2CV and the Morris Minor both turn 70. Automotive […]

Dante Giacosa’s unsung genius


Even inside the circles of obsessive car nuts, you’ll find the names of Porsche, Piech, Ford, and even Issigonis spoken more often. There is no question, though, that this man had at least as much, if not more, influence on the cars we drove yesterday, and the cars we drive today as anyone from Stuttgart, […]