“Look!”, they shouted, as a thunderous roar rasped above the forest, cutting through the mist and skimming the treetops like a stone across water. A little girl desperately warning her father, “It’s going to crash, it’s going to crash!”. The noise now deafening, the branches slamming against the craft as it descended ever closer to […]

BMW 2000CS – Forgotten beauty?

BMW CS header

Having been involved with BMW for nigh-on 30 years in one capacity or another (yes, I know this makes me officially old) it’s often a surprise to me how some models just don’t really seem to capture the imagination and are forgotten by all but the most dedicated enthusiasts. The 2000CS is one such car, […]

Tim Harvey – M3 Master

Tim Harvey interview

It’s often the ones you least expect. Isn’t it? Pass Tim Harvey as he walks through a paddock, you’ll see he’ll probably be smiling from ear to ear, chatting amiably to Nomax-clad sponsor-heavy racing drivers, or leathery-palmed mechanics, or slick-coiffured promoters… Or VIP guests. Or race-mad kids, or… ok you get the picture. The open […]

M3’s rivals – do they offer a real threat?

BMW M3 used

A quick look at the UK’s most familiar used car website at the time of writing shows you that the most common year of manufacture of an M3 currently for sale is 2008 – so an early E90/92/93 model. These range in price from £14k to £25k. Taking that into account, what other manufacturer’s key-fob […]

Before the M3 – BMW 2002 Turbo


An M3 for the 1970s: focus on the legendary BMW 2002 Turbo When BMW moved away from naturally-aspirated power for the 2014 M3, slotting in a 3-litre twin-turbo powerplant, it left furrowed brows among traditionalists. But it was far from the first turbo-powered sporting saloon to come out of Munich, and it could be argued […]

BMW M3: The past, the present, the future

My first memory of an M3 was when my mate’s mum rolled-up in an E36 convertible. It must have been close to brand new at the time and I remember stopping to gawp – at the car. Top down, sunshine gleaming off its techno violet body and the smooth low drone of its straight six […]

An interview with superstar freestyle stunt rider, Mattie Griffin


Mattie Griffin is one of the most talented motorcyclists to come out of Ireland and is one of the most well-known and liked performers on the international motorcycle stunt riding circuit. He recently took a few minutes out from his hectic schedule to sit down with Dave Humphreys and give an insight into the world […]

Ross Bradley’s filthy E30 – AKA Widowmaker.

A BMW E30 running 800bhp you say? Never, you say? Well yeah, we say. Ross Bradley is the owner and the brains behind the build. This stunning E30 (can we still call it that?) has been completely overhauled – something some purists will no doubt scowl at – but we happen to think it’s awesome! […]

What’s your favourite BMW 3 Series?

It all began in 1975. Like many trends in the motoring industry of that era, the 1973 oil crisis made demand for a small, light, efficient car that could claim the middle ground and make a new benchmark for BMW in terms of sales and efficiency. It worked. In the subsequent four decades the BMW […]