We are Family: Car Ads from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s

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As long as cars have filled the highways and byways, drivers have been bombarded with advertisements selling the virtues of our four-wheeled friends. The 1920s, 1930s and 1940s pushed cars advertised by women in cloche hats and fur-lined coats. Post World War II, the 1950s continued the previous decades’ creative optimism and glamour. Stylised illustrations […]

Is this Britain’s most unusual motorcycle collection?

DMW Deemster

There’s nothing unusual about collecting motorcycles, but there’s something very unusual about Peter Frost’s eclectic stash of bikes gathered from across Europe. The haul of 10 bikes, from England’s Midlands to Russia, Poland, East Germany and Italy, complements an equally impressive collection of obscure, unconventional and rare cars. With a passion for cars and bikes […]

Ada ‘Sayonara’

Ada Sayonara Pace

Ada Sayonara was one of the most talented drivers of the 1950s. With Maria Teresa De Filippis, she was one of the first women to impress in motor racing, often leaving men behind her. A plate with the message “Sayonara” was fixed on the rear of her cars, dedicated to male colleagues overtaken. She was […]

Porsche: the Mid-Engined Legacy

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Happy Birthday Boxster. 2017 marks 21 years since the popular Porsche roadster appeared in production form. In the mid-1990s, few may have believed what a successful model it would become, essentially saving the company. The latest in a long line of Porsche mid-engined sports cars, the Boxster actually wasn’t the spawn of a winning racing […]

Having a heart attack in a million pound Mercedes

It sat, in silver paint of course, lightly flattened and patinated by half a century’s careful polishing and rubbing in the sun-drenched courtyard of a Spanish hotel. We were in town to drive its successors, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it. A superb emblem of German engineering, daring and Wirtsachaftswunder all in one […]

Ferrari 750 Monza

Ferrari 750 Monza: a slice of mid century culture as beautiful as any Picasso