If you’re lucky enough to be enjoying a 2019 Influx calendar you’ll have been able to stare at this topless beauty throughout May.

It’s unmistakablyy a Jaguar E-Type, and was a joy to work with.

The stretched bonnet has long been an icon of design as car lovers worldwide reminisce about the curves of the Jaguar, enabling a drivers-eye view across the bonnet which harks back to the rolling hills of the cars birthplace, England.

Currently enjoying a rise in popularity at auction, the E-Type remains one of the most eye-catching and universally-admired shapes in classic car design, and alongside the famed Jaguar engines and drivetrains, plus a ‘new’ price which tempted some away from far more exotic marques like Bentley and Aston Martin, the Jaguar E-Type became a real desirable icon of British motoring and far more plentiful than other sports cars capabale of performing so well.

This example, photographed by our team at a studio in Norfolk, was part of a collection featuring 200mph exotica and carbon fibre-clothed V12s, but this giant of the ’60s – in stature, presence and poise as well as cubic centimetres – is arguably the pick of that garage.

Can you remember the first time you saw one?