This Friday it’s a bit of a leftfield car crush and a street spot combined. Stumbling upon this crisp yellow Triumph 2500 we anchored up and nearly caused a serious RTA: but we, think, it was worth it.

We love this Michelotti-drawn design. it couldn’t get more three boxy if you conflated a Rubik’s Cube and two packets of cornflakes. And whoever the proud owner is of this fine example has kept – or restored – the car to a lovely state.

My old best friend owned one of these behemoths – in Royal Blue, when we were stupid seventeen year-olds. And be damned if we didn’t play Sweeney screeching round the streets of East London in it – particularly that wide, sweeper onramp to the A12 in Hackney Wick. I can’t traverse that corner to this day without recalling how the Triumph’s rear stepped out with a subtle screech every time you pushed 35MPH.

This is what we call an everyman classic.