For some reason, it has only just come to our atention that the Datsun Roadster series of cars are an extremely pretty collection of open top sportsters.

These sunny sundays we’ve been blessed with of late have been great for classic car spotting. The English summer sun has a habit of teasing out blooms that spend at the dark, colder months locked up in storage.

This weekend we caught a fleeting glance of a pod of Datsun Roadsters burbling prettily along a country lane. At least one of our party reckoned that they’re “like MGB roadsters, only prettier and, somehow, cooler”.

We couldn’t agree more. And in fact, you can’t help thinking that the Datsun corporation must have been inspired by MG to produce an entry level sports car to compete with the tweedier, stuffier Morris – particularly in North America.

Strange loungecore movie featuring a Datsun Roadster here.