A quick survey of the Influx editorial archives will confirm our interest in, and coverage of, the great Continental European coachbuilders such as Pininfarina. 

And rightly so. It’s worth remembering though that Britain was once home to a good number of great and early talent in the field.

A little of this talent pool survives and is, thankfully, being augmented by some new kids on the block-especially in the racing and luxury markets – all deserving of our attention.

One such new kid is David Brown Automotive. Their recent Speedback GT harks back to the 1960s halcyon days of British sports car manufacturing – with obvious visual cues in homage to the Aston Martin’s totemic classics.

Brown is a serial entrepreneur who started in the engineering sector – producing earth movers- and has always been a car fanatic and sometime rally driver.


With a dream of building a modern classic here in Britain he set up shop and hired in veteran Land Rover designer Alan Mobberly.

The result is a success for British manufacturing and merits the assertion on their website (under the Union Jack):

‘Coachbuilding is back’