If you’re free on November 15th and have some cash in your wallet then get your hair coiffured, stick on a smart suit, head down to Silverstone Auctions and get bidding on this 1966 Volvo P1800S.

You could drive away looking like a ringer for the pre Bond Roger Moore, as this was the car of choice for 1960’s secret agent Simon Templar – AKA The Saint – driven by Moore in the eponymous hit series.

Although Moore (also a producer and owner on the show) originally wanted an E type Jag for the part he fell in love with the Volvo and had one delivered for his personal use.

And looking at these shots who can blame him? The Saint drove a white version but the auctioneers think you may be able to drive away in this green one for as little as £12k taxed and MOT’d.

Or you could take your £12k and bag a nice, reliable and economical 2010 plate Volvo V50 estate 1.6D with under 14,000 miles on the clock…

We’ll leave you to think about it.
