It had to happen. The most influential motorbike film is getting its sequel. 

It might be over forty years since Bruce Brown’s totemic flick opened the world’s eyes to the life-enhancing beauty of motorcycle racing – but that doesn’t mean director Dana Brown, (Bruce’s son) has missed the boat.

Unlike Bruce’s gorgeously handwrought 16mm flick – this comes with the full marketing and budgetary support of Red Bull’s media house. So, it won’t feel half as geewhizz as the original foundation myth of alt. bike culture – but you can be sure it’s going to edge ahead in the hitech imaging league and make a mockery of those low-budget hipster bike vids.

But here’s the thing. And a question. You throw endless budget at a subject as intimate to converts’ lives as motorcycling – isn’t this thing just going to come out looking like a promo for the ‘Bull?

Who knows? It should be an interesting watch, anyhow.

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