Pics courtesy RM Auctions

Ever since we saw this, we have been obsessed.

This 250GT Ferrari spider, which was apparently rebodied by Carrozzeria Fantuzzi in 1965, is possibly the most beautiful car we have ever laid our peepers upon.
Ryan Merrill PhotographyIt’s not surprising, really that Fantuzzi was also responsible for the Maserati A6GTC – which until now – has been at the top of the list of our most pulchritudinous motors.

It’s available at the forthcoming RM Auctions event in Monterey California. God knows how many millions will be raised with this sale, but man alive, would it not be worth the price of a minor Picasso to own this?


Ryan Merrill PhotographyFor us – it brings together the best elements of the original 250 Testarossa – and fused them with the subtle spiderness – or at least the rear three quarters loveliness of the 250 LM – which is, possibly, the prettiest race car ever produced.


Ryan Merrill PhotographyThe NART designation refers to Ferrari’s North American Racing Team – which was set up at the end of the fifties to promote sales in the US – and we can only suppose that this car was one of a beautiful couple of handfuls of one-off Ferraris that raced in various GT and endurance events in the states in the 50s and 60s to flog the very idea of the prancing horse to our American cousins.

This car has definitely brightened out Monday.