When you look at digital artist Chris Labrooy’s brilliantly rendered deconstructions of a Pontiac what do you see?

Are they some sort of post modern, ode to the death of Detroit? Or could they be a pure work of the imagination, digitally rendered? The latter is closest to the Truth.

We live in an age when Hollywood is rammed to bursting point shot with a legion of miracle-making computer artists who ply their trade and disseminate the art of the impossible all over the world.


We’re in other words a bit jaded when it comes to digital art.

We must admit that we would love the work all the more if the pieces existed, out there in the world, with the sun shining upon it.

According the artist himself the project was the result of a walk through Brooklyn in the late afternoon – it’s just an unbelievable-well-realised arrangement of zeros and ones.

Thought provoking, in any case – whether or not they exist in the three dimensional world.