We’re on a bit of an auto art geek off these last few weeks due to the commissioning process of the next Print Zine.

We keep stumbling on intriguing little bits and pieces of bygone car culture that is inspiring us to create another chapter the ongoing drama of it all.

These three snapshots are from the fascinating first edition of epoch-defining LIFE Magazine, whose archive always shores up some beautiful visual messages from the past 75-odd years.

The images, and the magazine, dates from 1936, when the world was a frightening, dangerous place – a place of the economic crisis, immanent war and the freedom principle as exemplified in the motor car in nascent glory.

It would take a World War to push technology over the threshold and create a chrome-clad boomtime led by the steel of Detroit, that could be disseminated to the everyman.

Watch this space for more news of the next print project and news of the event to coincide.