People have mixed opinions about wheel mounted controls. For some they are the perfect ergonomic solution, and for other’s a pointlessly modern way to detract from the classic business of an oldtimer drive.

One of the first volleys in the battle for wheel-mounted controls was launched by Italdesign’s 1982 Lancia Orca concept. For us the car looks much more like one of Marcello Gandini’s Citroen designs than anything that should bear the Lancia badge.

The car scored a ridiculous drag coefficient of 0.245, but it was the interior that was most interesting.

Looking like something out of a driving game of the period, the Orca used the wheel for all manner of operations: and styled the dash in a Tron-like electronic burst of pixelated colour.

Looks strangely clunky from our perspective, of course. I can almost hear Hall & Oates pumping from the stereo…