video via Automobiliac

This video is not the onboard, hold onto your hats variety. It’s more interesting than that. What appears below is a classic piece of footage of 1939 Grand Prix champ Hermann Lang (above), piloting the stupendous Silver Arrow that is the Mercedes W125 around the Nürburgring.

Commentary is by one of our favourite dashing Motor Racing heros Graham Hill (above), whose Dick Dastardly dash was matched only by that clipped, home counties accent.

But more than the magnificent machine and the characters involved, is the quietly resonant forests, the untended, de-barriered corners, and the slick black tarmac completley devoid of petrolheaded graffiti from the world over as it is these days.

Don’t attempt the drive to work in the snow. Sit back, press play and enjoy a simpler time and a sunnier place!