There’s something about Pepsi Transit vans that reminds me of Christmas. An uncle of mine, deceased these last fifteen years, used to drive a Pepsi van back in the seventies. One Christmas, for some promotional reason or another, he got to bring one, just like the one in the picture above, home for the holidays.

Funnily enough, he lived in a mock Tudor house too.

Cousins and I spent therefore many an excited hour driving around the neighbourhood with said uncle – and this was in the days when skateboarding, glam rock and novelty custom cars were somehow weaved into the culture, a star spangled thread shot through dull England that shone, making things seem a little more fun and a little more optimistic than they were before.

Why haven’t I seen one of these for a while? Nostalgia plays tricks on the judgement sometimes, but now all you see hawking sugary drinks are ugly F150s branded with Monster Energy ugliness.