We think road and street circuits are the quintessence of good motor racing. That’s why we love the Monaco GP, and regret the passing of truly classic events like the Targa Florio and the Mille Miglia.

One can understand though, that with the mad velocities of the current F1 cars, its difficult to sanction top-level racing on streets meant for the sedate pace of hybrids and buses.

But, according to a number of sources, but primarily this Wall Street Journal article, it seems that there have been plans afoot to create a street circuit along the edge of the New Jersey shore, with the totemic Manhattan skyline as a backdrop.

As many of you will know, next year will see the first in a long awaited return of the US Grand Prix, which will be held in (relatively) left-field Texan city of Austin.

Though the Austin franchise is apparently a ten-year deal, given the continual wax and wane of the world’s economy and the high-stakes circus that is the official Formula 1 tour, who knows whether Bernie’s boys will really accede to a second US based event in Jersey.

All we know is that a double dose of US style racing might actually stand a chance of knocking the burly but simplistic Nascar scene of its well-worn stateside perch.

Here’s hoping!