OK. We know Sebastien Vettel is going to win the championship. Again.

And though we all know his bottle clearly goes when you’re able to get up his tailpipe- he’s undoubtedly a very quick lap-maker.

But that doesn’t mean we have to love him.

That’s because a) he’s driving a car with the name of a soft drinks company and b) he’s a bit of a geek.

Now we know this may ruffle the feathers of some of our readers who believe that style is all fluff and no substance – but we truly believe style is, far from being insubstantial, represents the difference between doing something well and doing something badly.

That’s why we love Jackie Ickx. He may not have won an F1 title, but man, did he look good (almost) winning in 1970. He could even make Zundapp motorcycles (above) seem somehow appealing.

Call us shallow, but if Vettell could wear a button-down and a cardigan as well as Jackie, we would love him too.