Here at Influx towers we’re not sure if we fully understand the ongoing and widespread obsession with the 1980s. But one thing we definitely admire are the period angles of the ill fated Delorean DMC-12.

The car was the brainchild of entrepreneur John DeLorean, who organised production of the car in Northern Ireland in 1981 and 1982, with the backing of various governments and financial institutions) At the time the way he rallied funding looked audacious. But can you imagine back in the day what we would have thought about the multibillion banker bailout?

Part of the car’s enduring appeal is of course down to its centre-stage appearance on the Michael J Fox blockbuster ‘Back to the Future‘. In the movie the DMC-12 transcends the barrier of time and transports the viewer from back to the fifities with the help of an expensive optional extra known as a flux capacitor. in a way the fifites was to the eighties, what the eighties is to the noughties (knoworrimean?).

But rather than getting caught up in the time-space continuum and the eternal recurrence of the ever-same, we would rather admire the brushed steel angles of the car as totemic object of 20th century design.

I wonder how much a flux capacitor would come to in the latest Impreza?