
Anyone with even a passing interest in cars can’t help but have noticed that the MP4-12C Mclaren’s new road car project and replacement for the near mythical super-steed the F1 has hit media portals with full effect.

The new and eagerly awaited product developed by ex F1 team supremo Ron Dennis himself, is set to make petrolheads’ hearts aflutter the world over when it is finally released in 2011

And, grabbing the media innitiative in their bid to presell their latest progeny, McLaren Automotive has launched a new website to act as an online showroom for the new MP4-12C. Future customers (as well as mere mortals) can view the 12C in detail through an animated ‘explosion’ (see above) of the car’s technical features.

In addition, users will be able to view a gallery of images from McLaren Automotive’s past and present and also tap into ‘The Insider’, a blog that will be regularly updated with developments from the depths of the McLaren Technology Centre.

The car is going to be aimed at a slightly less rarified market than that targeted by the F1 a decade ago, and for us here at influx towers, the understated design reminds us a little too readily of the very beautiful and user-friendly Lotus Evora. It’s obvious that ideal drag coefficients and the all-important rule of the market creates design convergence even at this upper levels of car consumption.

Perhaps that’s why Mclaren are eager to show us deep under the skin of their new product.

Watch this space for more developments in the drama that is Motorsport-Road car crossover.