Porsche, Past, Present

Cars change. It’s a simple statement, and an observable one. At the same time, it could be argued they don’t. The steering, the exhaust note, the grip of the tyres to the road – though these may technically vary from vehicle to vehicle – the experience of driving is typically a shared one. Porsche 550 […]

Renault 5: Boys and Their Toys

Renault 5

Growing up, there’s always been a vehicle that never left our minds. Regardless of the shape, colour or make – chances are we’re yet to forget it. Not a single car has been mentioned, but you’ve thought of one, haven’t you? For Matt and Brandon, that car in your mind is the Renault 5 GT […]

Lancia Delta and Peugeot 205: In Love, With Cars

Love is a word that can mean many things. Sometimes it’s felt physically – an embrace after a hard day at work and sometimes it’s only the company that matters. Sometimes, we love through our efforts, and sometimes those efforts are spent on our motors who, funnily enough, also make great company. Owen Stevens (35) […]

Audi Quattro: Retro Presence

It’s more than just the motor. It’s the history; the stories the metal tells with each scrape, bump or nick and the memories that the fabrics of the seats weave with their smell and feel. To many, that’s exactly what the Audi Quattro embodies, and just like memories, some can be too hard to let […]

Audi Rally Cars: A History

It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that Audi completely revolutionised the way rally sport is played today. Prior to the 1980s, rally cars were either front or rear-wheel drives. But a rule change request from Audi asking if four-wheel drives could be allowed to compete changed the face of rallying in just a few […]

Scottish pictures telling a thousand words about the wonderful bikes and scenery

Scotland’s unique landscapes provide some incredible backdrops for bike photography, with many of its most iconic locations accessible in a single day Whether you’re born and bred in Scotland or visiting it for the first time, it’s impossible not to be charmed by your surroundings. From ornate architecture to picture-postcard scenery, few places on Earth […]

One little Indian motorcycle in beautiful Scotland

Motorcycles & rock ‘n’ roll. Strawberries & cream. It’s a cliché of course. But at the heart of every cliché there sounds a note of truth. Alan Forbes knows all about this. “You can feel free when you play music, and you feel free as a bird when you’re out on your motorcycle”, says Alan. […]

Scotland: Mental Health and the Lady Bikers of the North

Scotland has a majesty like no other that must be seen, to truly be believed. From incredible mountain ranges to open fields teeming with wildlife and grand lochs that take your breath away every time they crawl into sight – this part of the UK is undoubtedly one of the prettiest. And, for many, the […]